Who is signed up on SexyBlackPeople?
SexyBlackPeople members mostly hail from the United States, but some members live in France, Canada, Nigeria, and Russia.
The site has been operating for quite a while, but it has a noticeably lower membership than most of its rival sites. This should not be a problem if the site can ward off bots and fake account users from entering their site.
In terms of gender, the site is inclusive as it accepts both straight people and those who seek same-sex relationships. Take note that there is a higher number of male members to female members with men comprising 65 per cent of the site population.
The site also has a lot of younger members compared to seniors, but the population is almost evenly spread out across the age range.
New members at SexyBlackPeople in February 2025 in comparison
Here you can see how membership figures at SexyBlackPeople are developing compared to others
- 11)Flingster
- 22)Hinge
- 33) SexyBlackPeople