Latest Hinge Experiences


Based on 62 reviews

Very Bad
  • Shan*** 52 years

    There are profiles of woman looking for a serious relationships Potential matches are not really matches at all. To be honest the quality of most pr... ofiles are very poor.Its also a very expensive dating site. Overrated. «»

  • Kell*** 31 years

    I feel like it was very self-explanatory, and easy to use. I went on 1 date with my now boyfriend of 3 years and we deleted the app that same night... . I feel like Hinge was great in my experience.. There were a few duds, but it only took me a few weeks to find my person on hinge.Not much not to like other than the usual online dating life of people just wanting to hook up. But the guys I had met on hinge all seemed really nice and to actually want to hang out and date long-term «»

  • R****** 43 years

    Easy navigation and verification of profiles with a live face video matching photos posted onna user profile.FAKE unverified profiles by the dozens s... elling sex or wanting sugar daddies. Women 3 times the physical size of men and no way to filter them out.I am 3 months into a paid membership (because women don’t have to pay) and have had THREE likes after redoing my profile and changing preferences weekly. I had a date with a girl who tried to commit suicide numerous times (NOT in her profile) that just signed up and had iver 22 likes in a few hours. «»

  • Jam**** 55 years

    Plenty of options. Not many were real. Most are robot apps. With stock photos.I got sent hundreds of bullshit profiles. None of which I wanted, and I... got to the point of irritation to respond negatively. Met a couple of people who felt the same way. Other than that, a waste of 66 dollars. «»

  • C****** 34 years

    …Hinge matched me to Weston Ware…. Who I ended up having a child with….and was the worse train wreck of a predator and monster that ever hit my life.... At first he seemed like a dream come true. But he is a huge con-artist who uses women for their financials and drains you of you money, credit, time, and sanity…… 100 percent Narcissist….he took my self respect and worth….I will never download another dating app as long as I live after this! And it’s not Hinges fault! I was on here looking for love! But beware men like this lurk everywhere but especially on sites like one listens until it’s you!!!!!!!! Ladies protect yourselves! «»

  • Jere*** 53 years

    Easy to use - set up and uploading pictures simple and painless. Way too many fake profiles, catfishers, and scammers. Pictures should be geotagged a... nd profiles should be verified with mobile phone number and not IP phone. There is no body type filter, so there are many overweight people, which would be filtered out with body type filter. «»

  • Gwe**** 62 years

    Honestly nothing. Completely disappointing. I’m an active, considerably attractive 62 year old in the lower mainland and I receive about 10 choices a... day. Unfortunately complete waste of my $$$$. I think it works better with younger demographics. Don’t waste your $$$. Go buy a fashion piece from Aritzia instead. «»

  • Gwe**** 62 years

    Honestly nothing. Completely disappointing. I’m an active, considerably attractive 62 year old in the lower mainland and I receive about 10 choices a... day. Unfortunately complete waste of my $$$$. I think it works better with younger demographics. Don’t waste your $$$. Go buy a fashion piece from Aritzia instead. «»

  • jacq*** 57 years

    Communication with matchesThe will banned your account for reporting scammers and say you banned you from using the site. So be careful if you report... ing scammwrs on their site «»

  • C****** 50 years

    Nothing because it enables women to be targets of internet scans Hinge has absolutely no screening or filtering process for foreign scammers. I get ... messaged dozens of times a day by fake profiles. They all look like models and sweet talk. They want your phone number quickly. This is a financial scam where they hack your phone to access all you saved passwords including your bank account for identity theft. I report over and over and they continue to allow the exact same profile pics from these same Internet cafes . This site is by far the worst at protecting female members. «»

  • Clin*** 55 years

    Format is nice by design, but doesn’t seem effective in reality.Conversations seem to go extremely well, but numerous times face to face meets were a... voided, thus leading me to believe it was paid personnel showing signs of activity to entice further membership. Better luck cold pick up in the grocery store «»

  • B****** 35 years

    Matched with one guy. Went on several dates. Got engaged and married. So glad I downloaded this app.N/A

  • G****** 45 years

    Nothing! Most of not all profile are fake. They want your number right away to get off from Hinge chat which I will not do. I ask for their number an... d after a search, no person connected to the number or a Voip number.. in other words scammers and catfishing! I would never recommend this site to anyone. Horribly created. Not monitored enough. Be careful «»

  • Sele*** 26 years

    Nothing. Dishonest app. Created to trick Americans into buying boosts and other adds on. There are almost no real profiles. You can tell creator of t... he app is not American and hate Americans. Never use it!! Don’t waste your money and time. Even free FB app is better. Filing a claim against hinge too. «»

  • Tere*** 64 years

    NothingYou can only use it as an app on a phone, you can't share enough in your profile about yourself, ie. music you like, movies you like, foods, e... tc. and it's not $9.99 per month, it's almost $36.00. «»

  • n****** 22 years

    easy to useugly ugly women

  • Esk**** 42 years

    nothingit's absolute garbage, the matches and recommendations are worthless

  • N****** 0 years

    Nothing The guys that contacted me started talking about money and crypto. I said specifically the ages I don’t want the deal breakers on politics and... pretty much things I don’t want they are big deal breakers. That’s basically the only ones I got. I do believe this is a scamming site. If they ask to talk with WhatsApp beeewaareeeMostly foreign people hitting me up. I’m very good at pegging fake people. Look closely at the pics get send and the words they speak. I also google their name and where it is from. Def a couple not Italian when they say they are but Arabic. Go figure!!! Remember don’t give them to much info about yourself. They can Copy your pics and the info you gave such as hobbies and catfish u. «»

  • N****** 0 years

    Nothing The guys that contacted me started talking about money and crypto. I said specifically the ages I don’t want the deal breakers on politics and... pretty much things I don’t want they are big deal breakers. That’s basically the only ones I got. I do believe this is a scamming site. If they ask to talk with WhatsApp beeewaareeeMostly foreign people hitting me up. I’m very good at pegging fake people. Look closely at the pics get send and the words they speak. I also google their name and where it is from. Def a couple not Italian when they say they are but Arabic. Go figure!!! Remember don’t give them to much info about yourself. They can Copy your pics and the info you gave such as hobbies and catfish u. «»

  • Pri**** 41 years

    App is easy to maneuver I keep getting same profiles. The 4 profiles I’ve reached to have not responded. That seems excessive. I found out that not o... nly do you have to not renew your subscription but physically close out your account if you want to off Hinge. Otherwise your profiles stays in the system and are considered valid profiles that come up in my search. No one closes their accounts! They just dont renew membership. So this is false adverting. So, I’m messaging profiles that don’t even have a memberships anymore with Hinge. Of course they aren’t getting messages because they don’t have a membership anymore! This is so bad of Hinge! False adverting! «»

  • B****** 56 years

    User friendly and inexpensive I started using Hinge and came into conversation with 3 men. One was a sorry liar but the second revealed itself as a c... omplete scam and was likely organized. Be careful, I thought I could not be fooled but they are very clever. «»

  • Pet**** 33 years

    I have had success getting a date on Hinge in the past when they had a way to distinguish new accounts from the people that have been on there long te... rm. Fairly good layout and approach to meeting someone.This app used to be good about 2 years ago. Now they did away with distinguishing new accounts from year old accounts etc. I have passively used the app to look for a connection with a woman for over a year and have sent about 2,900 individual messages. Seems a bit far fetched that many women would be around my area, right? I got about 10 replies out of the total, none of which amounted to more than a few days of conversation and two dates. Lots of scam artist, fake accounts, ghosting, users looking to gain follows on instagram, etc. There may be legitimate people on there like I was, but it's next to impossible to find them among the thousands of fake accounts, let alone gain their trust. Not worth wasting your time on this app. «»

  • Elli*** 36 years

    It's exciting in the first sight you download the app ut brings you so many good looking profiles In my opinion this app is full of guys around 50 y... ears old which fake their age and if you just make a simple research on their drivers license you'll figure it out. Girls please make sure clear all your standards and expectations before you go on a date with this app. I dated few guys they are exactly in the same page just want to hook up and have zero commitment. I hope no one get trapped I'm this app so disappointing «»

  • Ka***** 40 years

    Nothing Tons of fake profiles, I believe at least 40% of the men profiles that are decent looking are scammers, I don’t think they screen anyone or p... erhaps have an arrangement with them to get more people join. I tried reporting it no response. They matched me with the ugliest shorted guys.I think it’s a total SCAM «»

  • Jenn*** 50 years

    Easy to useI have yet to chat with a verified user who doesn’t have a fake profile. Reported 1 guy I believe 3 times, all using different names after... he gets kicked off by Hinge for reporting to me the first time that his profile is fake! They need some sort of verification system like most apps do nowadays. Take a selfie holding a peace sign or something. «»

  • Cynt*** 67 years

    NothingI have not gotten 1 match

  • Ste**** 65 years

    Not much. Very few members in my age range (55+). Very scant profile information. Technical issues, like serving up the same profiles, not matchin... g someone who liked me and I matched back. They blame technical issues on only two things, the member unmatched you or deleted their account. «»

  • To***** 53 years

    I wasn't on it very long. No chance to experience muchWas kicked off for no reason. They sent me a message that said they wanted to keep their member... s safe. I'd like to know what I did to make someone unsafe. I did nothing threatening or out of line. Nothing! Whoever did that to me is a pathetic joke! «»

  • Rich*** 51 years

    It's free. The Hinge algorithm knows my preferences very well, and puts the best matches out of reach unless I pay for "roses" to communicate with t... hem. I'm then suppose to give the best matches "roses" which is just creepy. So I have to pay for the privilege of disturbing the most suitable women. «»

  • Sara*** 39 years

    N/A at the moment. Too pissed they changed it. It USED to be the best one out there. Now they are money hungry. The prices you put here are very off.... For me they want $29.99 for one month. 3 months at $19.99 a month and 6months at $14.99 a month. I used to love this app but now they charge for everything. The only DECENT matches you have to pay for a rose to have access to. Clearly they know it’s a good match for me. Roses cost a minimum of 9.99. (3 for 3.33). I’m so disappointed. «»

  • To***** 52 years

    I like that most guys have been very nice, decent and were looking for a long-term relationship.Too much ghosting. It seems guys are talking to so ma... ny women at the same time, and they disappear for no reason. «»

  • Vero*** 39 years

    Nothing- just a Tinder clone.Beware! This is not a BBB business.I signed up less than 2 days ago, and now I am banned for no reason. I did not lie ... about my identity, my age, my photos were appropriate, and I barely said two sentences to people (none of which were anything other then, "Hi, how are you?"). I appealed this, since I was incredibly confused as to what terms I "violated". They told me that they cannot even tell me the category that I violated- excuse me? I read the Terms of Agreement with a fine-toothed comb, and I did not violate a thing!Because I was banned for "violating" their terms (and with absolutely no reason as to why), they get to keep 100% of my money. 2 days of service for $30? That is a scam! I should have read the online reviews before signing up to this fraudulent service. «»

  • Sier*** 40 years

    It’s simple and easy to use.Supposedly hinge learns the characteristics of the person you would be attracted to by your swiping but it seems to give ... me way more people opposite of what I would be attracted to, and then I have to pay more to send a like/rise to the people hinge has picked out for me that is more like the people I would pick out. In addition, lately, there has been an increase in fake profiles that want to go over to WhatsApp, and then they start talking about Bitcoin, which I think a scam profile b/c these scammers make every excuse not to meet, and their English is off. Really weird having yo block 3 ppl. So all and all, not the best app. I wouldn’t recommend this app. It’s definitely a tool to get out there and meet people I would likely never meet in my daily life however, there are, for me, better apps out there. «»

  • Caro*** 26 years

    I like that you have prompts to fill out and the ability to say something on your pictures and reply directly to others' pictures and prompts. I also ... like that either males or females can start a conversation, not just females like Bumble.I know Hinge was designed for people who want relationships, but sadly many people on Hinge are not looking for relationships. This doesn’t bother me, except that I wish Hinge would put a prompt so you could say what you’re looking for, like “relationship”, “don’t know yet”, or “casual”. I spend so much time talking to people who are just looking for casual, so it becomes a waste of time. «»

  • F****** 50 years

    It’s ezThey’re pushing free for all do not go onto this app ever unless you want a married man. And btw they all suck.

  • Chr**** 30 years

    It was ok during covid lockdowns It's a scam. The "standout" section is all fake profiles designed to get you to buy roses. 1/100 in the regular sect... ion are attractive. The algorithms, everything is a huge scam. Surprised they havent been shut down «»

  • Jul**** 63 years

    FREE to send messageLot of fake information and lot of scammers. I am a victim and almost I fell into his trap to help him to transfer money into an ... offshore bank. If you just want to have fun and want to listen sweet words from the scammers, just go ahead, but always be careful. Every time when the opposite side mentioned about money, talk to your family or friends first. Because during that time, you are really fall in love and you cannot tell TRUE OR FALSE. This was my experience. «»

  • Jai**** 71 years

    Great format. Probably few fake profiles. because of phone verification.NOT a site for 65+! I live in a large metropolitan area and the pool of possi... bilities in my age range is zero. A friend in her 60's said 2 of her friends found good relationships so I tried it for 1 month. Shame on me for not reading reviews on before I purchased. «»

  • L****** 36 years

    I went on a few dates with a man I met on Hinge. After 2 dates I realized he wasn’t for me and texted him I was moving on. Right after that I stopped ... receiving and responses on the site. I thought it was just me and even renewed my membership. After a few mote months of no responses I contacted Hinge customer service who told me I was in violation of their policy because someone reported negative activity and they cancelled my account. Be aware, anyone can report you and Hinge doesn’t have to give you any explanation. I assume it was the guy I dated and rejected. Hinge should have heard my side of the story. Be aware. «»

  • Grac*** 27 years

    I went on one date using Hinge. After three years, he is now my fiancée! Hinge did amazing matching us.

  • C****** 54 years

    I won't say that most Hinge members are exactly "fake", but it seems as though Hinge might be somehow paying real people to set up accounts not with t... he intent of a relationship, but for the purpose of targeting legitimate members to engage with the app for long periods of time, and thus, improve Hinge's bottom line financially. I've "met" lots of women via the app. They will engage in long discussions - and they seem to be actual people. But then as things progress, they vanish. This could occur at any point from chatting via the app, texting, face timing, or after date #1.I get that there are just strange people out there, or that not everyone is a match, but after 16 months on the app, I've only had two woman advance things beyond 1 date. My point is that these "strange" users show in-depth and strong enthusiasm for me, even on the first date. But then, they are suddenly gone. But this same pattern has happened probably 25 times in the past year, and it just doesn't add up. I've dated a fair amount, and this amount of really strange ghosting behavior is not normal. Ironically, the women I had more dates with complained of this exact issue!Alternatively it could be Hinge just attracts a lot of really weird users.Either way, while Hinge might appear to be a cut above other apps, it's really just more exhausting. By contrast, I've never had these types of issues on Tinder. Granted, there is a lot of garbage on Tinder, but if a woman from Tinder shows interest, and engages, this almost always leads to a few dates or more. And, even if it's just one date, then there are clear reasons (e.g. lack of chemistry) why thing didn't go further than that. «»

  • NONE*** 37 years


  • Juli*** 53 years

    Hinge has a glitch not widely revealed. I purchased three months membership. I cannot see more than two or three new people. The App promotes being... ‘boosts’ starting at £9.95 per hour offering clients to get their profiles shown to 40% more viewers for an hour. What a ripoff! In one month I encounter six fake profiles and met one man who was a total wast of time. I am terry disappointed with this App and their false claims. «»

  • mary*** 62 years

    The 2 gentlemen that I found interesting both were scam artists.

  • S. T*** 55 years

    My trial was using the free version, which I believe has very few actual male members and instead,they circulate old, expired memberships through (whi... ch is why you either don't get full conversational exchanges or they just appear to go away for periods of time). It's apparent once you swipe through them quickly and you soon see the same profiles as before. If you get an actual person, versus a bot or a paid blogger for hire, they actually do converse and convey match or no match; and you've made a friend. The absolute most frustrating thing about the site is that it asks you what your two "dealbreakers" are; yet it does not filter them !!! If the app can't get the free version matches right, why would I upgrade to the paid version? Therefore, I would not recommend Hinge, unless you want to be amused by the creative profile information and the bad selfies taken in bathrooms, in 'half washed' attire...Remember, before you "leave" a dating site, find out how to remove your picture and profile information permanently!! «»

  • Impe*** 37 years

    WOuldn't be so sure about the lack of fake profiles. It appears Hinge scraped information from Tinder (account that's been deleted for 1.5 years), and... created a profile for me «»

  • Beve*** 53 years

    Hinge was the absolute WORST dating app I’ve ever used. First, it doesn’t ask or post what type of relationship you’re looking for (LTR/hookuo/friend... s) and second, 9 out of 10 men were fake - no joke. Because it’s free and because Hinge doesn’t put in the effort to weed out fake profiles. It got so frustrating dealing with the fake profiles that I cancelled my paid membership. Who has tile to try and figure out if the person you’re talking to is fake? I would not recommend Hinge to anyone ! «»

  • shin*** 28 years

    Reading through your post was very amazing and i really like the way you put in your content for easy understanding. I will keep checking on your blog... for more nice posts like this keep up the good work thanks. «»

  • Sun**** 26 years

    Wow never knew there is something like this on the internet, I appreciate it. It is amazing and wonderful. Thanks Once More for this nice post.

  • M****** 25 years

    I was randomly banned from Hinge (as i had noticed around the beginning of Dec) after trying to log in and it didnt work, which they had JUST charged ... me $13.49 for the monthly subscription end of Nov 2019 til Dec 29 2019. The app is WACK to me for these reason:There help/support centre offers NOTHING I will never support or refer anyone to this app. Not only can't I find out the validation as to why and how I was banned, you cant even speak or email anyone to inquire about it.The waste of $14.00 they charged me for the month considering the perm-ban.They don't seem to have anybody doing thorough investigations because I know I didn't break any policies.Seems like anyone can just report anyone and BAM your banned. I am writing this review everywhere anywhere. HINGE IS FULL OF SHITT!! BANNED and took my MONEY «»

  • emja*** 29 years

    I am very impressed with this app. I would highly recommend to everyone that is looking for a long term, short term commitment or any in between. Ever... yone is a verified users. The photo profile are obligatory of 6 photos you must upload in order for your profile to be complete. I am very impressed to all of my matches and responses from an actual people not a BOTS. It is an actual person. Unlike, other dating apps or websites are full of scams, imposters, posers, BOTS or fake profile. I have found my current boyfriend and he is a blessing to my life. Everyday I am Thankful that we have met. I was tired of people telling me what to try out there. I got asked out in person but it is mostly not what I am looking for. Then, I signed up out of the curiosity. I found my Mr. Right we are still together up to this day. We are 6 months together. «»

  • T****** 47 years

    Great site, if you are looking for a Sugar Baby. The site is full of them along with a lot of scammers. Why am I seeing 21 year olds when I set the ... itfor older? «»

  • dele*** 35 years

    I have been searching about this issue finally when I read this article I get to know the correct information about it and I found this information is... relevant. Thanks for sharing this. Here we share easy tips to delete plenty of Fish account. «»

  • dele*** 21 years

    Actually, I find it very helpful, I had to know about this, your article helps me a lot to understand this. After reading your article I have good kno... wledge of this topic. Thanks for sharing this. Here we provide information about delete match account. «»

  • dele*** 35 years

    I have been searching about this issue finally when I read this article I get to know the correct information about it and I found this information is... relevant. Thanks for sharing this. Here we share easy tips to delete match account. «»

  • S****** 59 years

    Most of the men I texted with on Hinge told me they were widowers. Either their wife die in a car accident with their child or died of an awful illnes... s. The one man who didn't say that but still had an unusual story told me he grew up in Germany. After hours of texting we spoke. He has a Caribbean accent. Big wast of my time and money. «»

  • Dav**** 50 years

    Hinge has had many issues with scammers and cat fish. Ghosting. I am constantly reporting woman for fake profiles. It is a constant struggle, since 80... % of the women I find are fake. Perfect bodies etc. Unreal. False numbers email addresses etc. They also auto renewed and charged my account via google. «»

  • Shel*** 46 years

    AWFUL!! nothing but fake profiles and men attempting to extort women for money. Furthermore, I have attempted to report the false profile 3 times ove... r a 30 day period and HINGE doesn't care. They do not respond. They get your money and don't care about your safety or the fact these guys are out there doing this to other people. Their app is filled with fake profiles. DO NOT USE THIS APP. «»

  • Fr***** 60 years

    Awful every singe man I met was a nigerian scammer

  • Jess*** 24 years

    It was great!! Hinge is the only app that has given me high quality dates! If you are looking for something between casual and serious, this is for yo... u. This app seems to have the secret sauce. «»

  • Mar**** 49 years

    All the men that have contacted me on hinge so far have been fakes. None of them speak English as a first language. When asked in-depth questio... ns about themselves, they just disappear when you get too close to the truth. One guy asked where he was born and raised, his answer was Ohio Cleveland. I then asked him if English was his first language to which she said yes. I responded I’ve never met anyone who was an English speaker the put the state before the town. Interestingly he disappeared from my conversations. Which leads me to believe that he was a scam. Like Most of the other ones I spoke with. I would not recommend this app for anyone who was actually looking for a real person. «»

  • anno*** 36 years

    same as all other sites tried what's with the liking the photos b4 u can talk to them just get to the point and message why all the pics look like bee... n photoshop or professional looks like a lot of fake profiles and u do have to swipe also WhatsApp app dont have it sounds fishy and notifications dont work no one seems to like u on the other sites I tried i get messages «»

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