Latest Coffee Meets Bagel Experiences


Based on 38 reviews

Very Bad
  • Daph*** 40 years

    I don't like it. Send a random profile out of the country.Nothing, it's a waste of time and money, and dangerous in terms of catfishing and pig butch... ering scams.Try to find someone real with fake pictures or a celebrity from Asia. «»

  • Mi***** 48 years

    Easy to useI recently fell for a scam. Never sent money, but chatted for about 3 weeks, had one weird phone call after 2 weeks where he said he loved... me and wanted to be with me forever... but was leaving for a 4 week government defense contract job so we couldn't meet. I figured it out, but it is definitely messed up. The other bizarre scams are Chinese men who ask for a phone number in the first text. I reported every one of them and deleted the app. But worth my personal safety to get contacted by these fake losers. «»

  • Pat**** 60 years

    Load many Pics, choice of what prepared questioned to have displayed on your profile. If someone has first responded to you as a 'LIKE', and you resp... ond back as 'LIKE', both of you are to appear in the chat area. If everything is paid, both should be able to chat. Well, this does not work. Totally a scam. Some profiles are filled out with so much detail, it is outrageous. Like ya, are you looking for a 'Stepford Wife or Girlfriend? «»

  • Ry4**** 41 years

    I am a member of CMB. They asked me to delete one account and send a picture with holding 3 fingers to verity my account because I have two accounts. ... Then I sent verification pic and deleted one account. After that I met someone and deleted the account I used. Then we are not work and I back to CMB again and create a new account. CMB still asked my verification picture and ID to verify my account, the reason is I have two accounts. How come I have two accounts? I only have one account. The old account they did not delete from their system and made the trouble for me and said I have two account? CMB made the mistake and ask customers to pay for it?! When I emailed them and they avoid to answer my questions and no solution for their mistake. What the service is? CMB only care about money! «»

  • M****** 59 years

    I have had conversations with 7 people. All of them were scammers.

  • l****** 53 years

    horrible. It makes you create profile with phone or facebook and than doesn't let you log in. Regardless you enter right phone number or right faceb... ook password. IT JUST DOESN'T LET YOU IN ! AND THERE IS NO OPTION TO REMOVE PROFILE SINCE YOU CAN NOT LOG IN. «»

  • s****** 54 years

    3 out of the three men I chatted to had fake profiles. They create new ways to groom each time. Be wary of what look like ' slick, or staged photogra... phs. And as soon as they say their wife died be cautious. They usually work as some kind of engineer, and travel for work. They even resort to getting a fake daughter involved to call you 'Mom' «»

  • C****** 60 years

    1 have been with this app for about 6 months, and met 3 nice men who turned to be scammer. Very Disappointed. The latest candidate was flagged durin... g our chatting on the 1st day. haha...However, my daughter met her husband by this digital God, so I am hoping one day, I will find my someone nice here. «»

  • Ale**** 26 years

    I met my now wife on CmB. We had a great experience and would highly recommend the app. The app was easy to use.

  • Ma***** 29 years

    In my experience this app is nothing to write home about. One waits a long time for a match and I have found many of the women in my local area to be... either gold diggers or just not great matches. For that reason, few convert to dates. I have found CMB to be not any better then Tinder. «»

  • Jan**** 65 years

    So many scammers on this site. I have reported them to CMB and they show up again.

  • Mise*** 53 years

    Sent me one match per day for about a week and most of those seemed to be scammers (way too good to be true in the looks department). Now nothing for ... a week. «»

  • Mimi*** 57 years

    I also found scammers abound. The first match I made was with a guy who sounded incredible. Then I searched his email address and found nothing like t... he profile. I suggest you all protect yourselves and do a search on the person. Be very cautious of the profiles on this site. «»

  • Jul**** 46 years

    I have met nothing but scammers...90% are in the military, contractors or govt so they seem like they have it together but that's the scam! It's a bs... site that has very few real users. «»

  • Ms***** 48 years

    I've been on the site for slightly over a year. I haven't connected with a real person yet. All the matches were scammers. I haven't given up yet. I'... m still waiting for that real person to connect with me. «»

  • Jani*** 65 years

    Most of the men on this site are scammers. Chat for a while then ask for money. The schemes are intricate. Watch out. Will not use this site again.

  • Harl*** 64 years

    If you are a man, this app is a cash extraction tool. Do not expect any communication from a woman if you are anything but an ideal man. Prepare to ... spend a bunch of money until you are frustrated. Even after cancelling your account they continue to try and take your money. «»

  • mra3*** 40 years

    Unfortunately, CMB is ripe with scammers; men who are good looking, sometimes widowed and who ask you for your number, email or to go to What's App ri... ght away, once they have sent you a message through the site about how beautiful you are. How dumb do they think we are?! My response is always, I'd love to get to know you more as well but like the security of the site for a few message exchanges as there are a lot of scammers out there and bam, they are gone right after. «»

  • Li***** 57 years

    Everyone I met on this site was a fake profile and/or scammer. I got off a year ago and received an email from CMB this morning advising that some of... my profile information was compromised in an apparent recent hack. This is the icing on an already putrid cake. «»

  • B****** 60 years

    2 incidents whereCMB said not to contact a person. And 3 incidents of communication with a person? Which had conflicting stories, grammatically incorr... ect sentences and liked to call me dear. I can only think IThat was a computer generated scam. Then when comparing my girlfriends experience, she had 2 people I was advised not to talk to and one scammer that kept requesting pictures of me😩 «»

  • Kath*** 51 years

    I have encountered nothing other than men in other countries wanting to move to the US.I woundnt consider premium while this is going on. Very disapp... ointing «»

  • Dore*** 45 years

    I was catfished on Coffee Meets Bagel from overseas doctor asking me to marry him without meeting him first and wanted my accounts numbers

  • Chr**** 48 years

    Terrible experience. Once connected, the chat window is only open for a short period of time. They hook you by encouraging you to "buy beans" for addi... tional possible matches. The only way to contact customer service is via email, no phone number provided. I don't recommend this site at all. «»

  • W****** 52 years

    the first 5 men I communicated with are scammers/fake profiles.all are Text Mail subscribers who have their own cover story: widower, no children, n... o siblings, they have lived in different countries out of the US, nice profile pictures. One guy is a petroleum engineer who lives in Santa Monica with a master's degree. A couple of them lived in Beverly HIlls/OC who are architects. One is a crude oil consultant and his family owns an oil well in Ukraine. «»

  • Cynt*** 61 years

    I have had many men on this site that are catfish. Buyer beware and check out the person before giving them your personal information.

  • Eliz*** 54 years

    I've been on CMB for 5 months and only went on 1 date. Most of the profiles are fakes and scammers. I've had a much greater success on other dating si... tes and thought this one looked like a good change. It's not! You know they are scammers when their info doesn't match their profile and they are always traveling to Syria or someplace near there. Awful site! No sense of security or ID verification. Many times CMB recommended the scammer to me! Plus, I like having more control in the selection process and would prefer to communicate with who I like. You can't do that on here. You have to wait until they mutually like you back. Very limited options. «»

  • Li***** 45 years

    The 2 guys. I met we’re both scammers.

  • Lec**** 61 years

    My experience with this application, is that the men on the site are not truthful about where they live, their age and more. I am so glad I have not ... met anyone in person. Their profile says they live nearby, but in reality they live in another state. Sad «»

  • R****** 45 years

    I paid for a subscription- not realizing that I didn't need to. So $70 later- I notice to extended a conversation with someone I have to pay more mone... y? Ridiculous. Who has time for this app. Dating should feel like the game candy crush! I would recommend Bumble. «»

  • Kath*** 30 years

    I like it, but I don't see access to a lot of features listed online. I can't figure out how to write captions on my photos, nor do I see how to "woo... " anyone. I feel like there should have been some sort of tutorial when I first opened the account to let me know how it worked. «»

  • S****** 51 years

    I was scammed by a Profiler Named Greg Armstrong, an international Romance ScammerBeware

  • A****** 48 years

    I have been on CMB for 6 months now, free side only. In that time I have been asked for money a dozen times by women I haven't yet met (they "happen"... to be working out of state or out of the country when we first start talking). 40 to 50 profiles of women I was messaging with have been flagged by CMB as inappropriate, and then removed. I have only met one woman in person that I messaged with. Fake profiles and scams are hardly exclusive to CMB, so be aware that this app has a higher than normal percentage of them. «»

  • Jess*** 39 years

    Most of the profile are fake & a lot of scammers

  • Mich*** 49 years

    ITS a website for scam artist Period . These women who started it basically do not know how to run a website nor did they think about how to stop scam... artists. the guys are not real and their profile pics are fake or stolen. Most of the men claim to be military or engineers. then when you ask the,m where do they live they ask you back Where are you from . I have asked many guys where they are stationed and they give me the excuse they are over sees on kabul.. SHUT THESE WOMEN DOWN .!! they went on national tv and proclaimed their dating site was amazing. «»

  • tiff*** 44 years

    99% of everyone I have been in contact with are fake profiles where 100% of those matches ask for money or pull a fake "needing" and try to abscond wi... th others items/money...steer clear of dating apps and enjoy your independence. «»

  • Anon*** 58 years

    Not good...I received 5 alerts in a matter of 3 weeks of "dangerous" profiles with people I had started chatting with. I am going to cancel.

  • Jh***** 31 years

    Its nice

  • Nata*** 54 years

    This app is a giant waste of time: literally 9 out of 10 profiles are bogus. Most of the profiles on it claimto be from an Ivy League school, a “geolo... gist” or looking for a wife. Run the other way and save your money. Nothing but bogus Trolls. «»