Who is signed up on Asiaxpat?
Majority of the members are between the 35 - 44 age range, closely followed by 25 to 34 year olds, and then the 45 to 54 year olds. Women make up 49.6% of the member population while men make up 50.4%. All in all, it is a great and even distribution of genders within the website. Most of the members have a university degree, many of them have a postgraduate degree, while some graduated "below university". Only 34.2% of the members are single, which isn't a good figure when you're posting an ad for dating.
New members at Asiaxpat in March 2025 in comparison
Here you can see how membership figures at Asiaxpat are developing compared to others
- 11) Asiaxpat
- 22)Dating.com
- 33)Ashley Madison