Latest Adultfriendfinder Experiences


Based on 48 reviews

Very Bad
  • J****** 39 years

    It used to be free to read and send messages.All they want now is your money, and it's really bad now...

  • Der**** 48 years

    I like that there seems to be, or used to be, a wide variety of people on the site. When you do meet someone real, it's often enjoyable to chat and po... ssibly meet. It was also great when you were able to have a Gold membership and use the site as one would assume a Gold membership would allow. But things have changed...The site is mundane at best now, and a "Gold" membership is like having a basic membership given the restrictions. A Gold membership is literally like a non-paying membership; you can view profiles and send messages, but you can only view one picture per profile, can't see who likes/hotlists you, and can't view videos unless you have a $15/month "Voyeur" upgrade. It's turned into a money grab. I've been on the site for at least 8 years, but with these new restrictions on the Gold level status, I'd say the site is pretty much done. Also, the tech aspect of the site has gone downhill. A great example is that the mere task of searching is now a monumental task. I can't count the number of times I tried to perform a search only to have the site literally freeze my browser. Save your money. «»

  • Br***** 52 years

    Could be good if even with Gold Membership you can’t do much.The price is to much for a gold membership that doesn’t allow you with new pricing to se... e anything but 1 profile pic.can’t view who has looked at your profile add a face pic to a message. You need to add 14.95 month Voyuer package to view sexy images. Plus a media package and a message package. Then add bot profiles out of date members and many more men than women. Not even fun for entertainment even. Add up all the prices and cable TV is a bargain. «»

  • Rav**** 63 years

    Sadly, there is no longer any positive features left on the site.The site made itself useless to non-paying members.

  • Auro*** 53 years

    It is fine for communication and introducing new people.They have changed the rules in May and me as a standard member can't anymore read and reply o... n messages. I can understand it, but I can't understand why gold members still can send messages to standard members since standard members can't read and reply. On some way, it is a cheating to gold members because they believe that they can chat with anyone who is on Adultfriendfinder. If there are more male than female members, it means that female should be attracted with some benefits. I have experienced my communication as a standard member to be stopped with that new rule in the middle of the chat with some profiles. So, I consider it as a negative feedback for Adultfriendfinder. People complain that there are many fake profiles. So, if they cut the communication of standard members there will be more fakes. I am a standard member there more than two and half years, now I can't read and reply on messages, so I will have to leave the site. «»

  • J****** 39 years

    I don't like this site that much anymore.In the beginning, they allowed everybody to send and read messages, but then they started to charge once it ... got popular. I've been a member since 2008, and I've never hooked up with anybody from AFF. Which is impossible now that I can't send or read my messages. It's overpriced. «»

  • Tan**** 35 years

    At first it was fun like I wasn't going to pay for it and then it got boring so I figured upgrade and now that I'm having issues with somebody from th... e past I've asked for a refund and they are refusing to give it to me when just last year I was able to get a refund I've only had my upgraded account for like a day or two I don't understand what the issue isThey will not give me a refund «»

  • Arma*** 47 years

    It looks like a good solid dating website, it looks like it has a lot of members. lots of pictures etc.I was a member for a month and after chatting ... with 12 members the first two weeks, I realize that with every member with that I was able to chat, 8 of them were fake, and the other 4 asked me to go to another website to get verified. and one of them asks for money. «»

  • S****** 51 years

    There are some real women, looking for fwb. If you've got a decent cock & want to use it, you will be able to use it.Most of the actual women are huc... ows or have grandchildren. Most of the profiles claiming to be women are Nigerian guys running a scam. Actual women have a lot of choices. They usually also have many diseases as a result. «»

  • Ma***** 45 years

    Just join Pornhub bro, search for locals. You're welcome!Fake profiles, fake interest/communications.

  • N****** 32 years

    NothingLoaded with bots, scams, and old profiles. The 20-35 age range is nonexistent.

  • Lau**** 45 years

    Members were very talkative I am a woman and had a basic account for 4 days, streamed and earned over 10,000 points and they banned me saying I was r... eported for abuse.No further details.I did nothing but chat and entertain members for 3 days and they just ban you for no reason!They keep all the points .I would NEVER recommend anyone be on this site EVER.They are shady, and a scam!I had pictures of myself up and streamed myself so I was not a fake profile and did nothing abusive!My only positive is I only wasted 4 days before they banned for and lied about the reason.Stay away! Someone can file a false abuse report against you and you will be banned within the hour! And they do not even check it out to see if it’s true.Happened to me and I was shocked! Will happen to you today to!Site is not trustworthy at all! «»

  • Jean*** 31 years

    looks very good at FIRST GLANCE when you have no experience but.... why does this horrible site have so many good ratings when all the customer review... s say it's shit?ALL THE REVIEWS ARE LIES! didn't read the USER reviews before signing up. so like an idiot i FILLED OUT ALL THE INFORMATION AND QUESTIONS THEY ASKED FOR. I am new to this sort of thing and I paid the obscene membership fee and the ENTIRE SITE immediately shut down on me AND I LITERALLY AM UNABLE TO GET BACK ON EVEN WITHOUT LOGGING ON. then i got an email saying my credit card had been rejected and I had to call them. one bored underpaid Latino stereotype answer later and it sounds like I may be dealing with a case of CREDIT CARD THEFT! «»

  • Matt*** 44 years

    Kept me occupied 99 % fake profiles. Scammers prostitutes all wanting you to send money. Waste of money for any membership.

  • Domi*** 45 years

    You see beautiful naked pics ...Its almost all fakes profile and i have proof of that...they say that they want you..there all in love and then ask y... ou money for all kind of reason..i ve been chatting with 3 girls in 2 weeks and each of them have similar reason.they have almost no families, no facebook(and in 2022,we know that almost everyone as one),and need money to Come see you ...and the worst of it,its the way they try to rob you..god is always there and there are honest person and they Will give it back as soon as we see each other..SCAM all the way!tired of that ,i had fun talking sexuelly and life in général but after 3 days,the same patern comes back! «»

  • Nath*** 46 years

    . Nothing.I don’t like that almost every profile on here is a scam. I don’t like how you can pay for a membership to send messages but the people you... send them to can’t read them unless they are a paid member. In three months and hundreds of messages and IM’s, not a single hook up. A couple ladies responded that they all wanted money for sex or for me to pay to see them on a video cam. I was also solicited for sexual massages. I’m sure that some people are hooking up on the site, but it didn’t happen for me. I’m in in shape, not an ugly man who messages women politely. I made no connection even in messages. I would get many women that would view my profile multiple times a day but never respond to a single message or flirt. I would get women that hot listed me and never respond to a single message. I even paid extra for a service that I thought allowed women to respond to messages, but it never worked. It was a scam like this site. Just like Facebook, there are many fake Asian accounts that will never respond except to scam you. Sorry Asian ladies, but I assume you’re a scam right off the bat because the majority of Asian profiles unfortunately are are scams. That really sucks cause I definitely have the Asian persuasion because I like the culture.When I asked adult friend finder one month in for a refund, they denied me. So screw this site. I’m sure people are hooking up on the site, but it definitely didn’t work for me. I probably wasted hundreds of hours trying to just have a real connection with someone and I couldn’t even do that because I would hardly get a single response to the hundreds of messages I sent out. This app was a huge waste of time and money. «»

  • T****** 43 years

    Seeing likely local people on here, and you might get to actually talk to them.Fake profiles still around. Getting easier to spot them now..

  • M****** 44 years

    Easy to search and navigate, mobile app pretty goodSo many fake and scam profiles and unwanted scam attention is abundant if you pay for VIP

  • Da***** 35 years

    Nothing.I would very, very strongly NOT recommend AFF. I have used their service for 2 months. Not once did I get a hook up after spending many count... less hours on the site looking for and messaging women. What I discovered: over 80% of the female accounts in my area (Atlanta) are scammers. They will either A: simply just try to get some personal info from you, like a phone number or address (STUPIDLY I did give my address out to one of them who I talked to for several days. My horniness was clouding my mind). After they have gotten that info they will ghost you and sell your info on the black market. Once I discovered their trick I got a burner number (search the app store).B: They will come up with a very elaborate story of many sexual things that they want to do with you. They will get you hot and horny. You will actually be talking to a real person (likely just some guy in India), and they will make you feel like you two are about to meet up after a nice conversation. HOWEVER they ALL will require you to BUY something before meeting up; like sex toys, gas money, etc. These are SCAMMERS. They will get your money then you won't hear from them again. I have reported almost all scammers that I come across and I still see their accounts active TO THIS DAY. AFF does not care--in fact, these scammers might actually work for AFF. I did actually get the number of ONE real person from AFF and did speak to them on the phone. Even though it never worked out, it was nice seeing just a glimmer of someone not being a criminal.ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT BS: Their site is insanely outdated and is NOT user friendly. It is FAR from mobile friendly, as well. I could very easily ignore how horrible their site is if at least the MAJORITY of their user base were not scammers. Seriously. Hell they could install a virus on my computer for all I care, if it meant getting me laid. «»

  • Hube*** -64 years

    Big member baseThe site itself lies to you in two ways:1. It tells you that so and so viewed your profile, so you go and check with so and so and fi... nd out they did NOT. It's kind of like your Aunt Tilly trying to nudge something into happening between you and a girl you weren't keen on to begin with.2 AFF consistently understates the distance between your location and that of others, and often by quite a few miles. «»

  • n****** 53 years

    Easy to use, more genuine than some.If you are a single man forget it unless you are in the US. Majority of profiles are fake although you can't prov... e it. For example inactive profiles are left there for people to view and encouraged to contact even though the members joined over ten years ago. There are also many instances where women contact via "hotlisting you" or "flirting" with you encouraging you to respond then they lead straight into trying to get your personal email. To be fare to AFF there are warnings of such behaviour and a system to report such profiles but it becomes tiresome after a while. Very disappointing. «»

  • Jane*** 27 years

    It was a great experience

  • Dere*** 50 years

    Adultfriendfinder engages in unethical business practices. They will AUTO RENEW your subscription even after you have put the renew setting on OFF. I... had to file a fraud appeal against them with my bank to get an unauthorized monthly charge removed. They are more trouble than they are worth. I would give the site negative stars if I could. «»

  • gruc*** 45 years

    This site used to be good and even worth paying for the Gold Membership. Now it's worthless. No new members in months. Same old players that have been... on there for years.The problem I see is they nerfed the standard membership so much that people sign log in few times find the site useless and the accounts are dead. Having gold I can message them but they can't respond. I have to pay extra but then that opens me up getting spammed from all the spam accounts. Anyone who's done that know what I mean. Women from Russia start messing for marriage. I preferred it when standard members could respond to Gold member. The site was hopping then. «»

  • Chr**** 46 years

    Used to be a great site. But now standard memberships are useless. I used to have gold membership but with changes to standard membership it means new... people join as standard and stay online for about week then give up on the site. The same small group of members remain. New women don't stay around long enough to get gold memberships. Back in the day I had success with standard membership, that's what made me upgrade to gold and success in meeting people was great up till the nerfed standard account. Rarely even log into my account anymore. «»

  • Chri*** 39 years

    I love this app

  • John*** 39 years

    It is an okay dating site. However, there are a lot of fake profiles, and I am still not sure if AFF does "animateurs". I am a new member on AFF (3 w... eeks) and I have had one good date. I also have had a lot of contact and spent a lot of time with profiles that appear to be fake, asking me for my email and for pics off of the site. «»

  • Sha**** 25 years

    It's very Good

  • vagn*** 31 years

    i've had an account on the site for quite a few years and have met quite a few men through it. plenty of duds - some got laughed right out of my bed. ... found a few diamonds in the rough. i am now steady fuck buddies with 2 guys - 1 about once a month, the other a few times a's worth the time to weed thru the fakes and ppl you'd feel would be shitty fucks. took a few experiences to adjust my questions and pre-meet conversations to weed out who would only disappoint me sexually and to not bother meeting. «»

  • Mi***** 50 years

    We are a couple and this site is loaded with fake accounts and misleading people. Most on here just want to show themselves off in front of the world.... The chances of really meeting a couple is very slim if at all.. The No Shows is a major problem. this site will Dup U into signing up for a fee and to entice you Admin will automatically send you messages from fake accounts making you think there is a couple people that actually might be interested in meeting you only after you sign up and pay will you find out is you were dupped out of your money. If you do sign up and pay. look back at this . Because I want to be the first too say..Told ya so. «»

  • donn*** 29 years


  • LAUR*** 44 years

    It's not bad, but that because the competition is HORRIBLE. ONe of the main issues with the site is technical issues. I would be surprised if 20% of t... he profiles that claim to be women, are actually women. MY FRIEND joined and was contacted by at least a dozen men, using couples profiles or womens. They had a variety of excuses why they was the case. ONE man---he contacted her 4 times, with a woman's profile. That profile claims to be a woman but SHE lets' her male friend use it. APPARENTLY, 100 of the time. LOL «»

  • cesc*** 25 years

    it`s great but it should be free

  • Mary*** 27 years

    Very good one

  • Lib**** 22 years

    This site did not have anyone i wanted.

  • curt*** 64 years

    I have met one lady that is close enought to meet. 95% of the contact I get are fake profiles. Lots of Africans and I suspect they are men. I feel lik... e I wasted my money when I signed up for a year. «»

  • lia**** 19 years

    messages free

  • Abra*** 32 years

    Very interesting

  • M****** 25 years

    I have 2 years experience

  • ted**** 32 years

    LITERALLY 95% of users on this site are cam models.I'm not even joking.You could ask them what part of the city they live in and they will throw ou... t some random bar.the first 10 girls were cam models leading you to etc etc «»

  • Al***** 62 years

    The 80% male/20% female demographic for AFF makes the site a loser for straight males right out of the box. It gets worse, because 80% of the 20% fem... ale users are bots and scammers. Thus, there is only a 4% pool of females for straight males to fish in. To my fellow straight men--don't waste your time or money on AFF. «»

  • Am***** 25 years


  • Rah**** 35 years


  • He***** 20 years

    Very good

  • bi***** 67 years

    I am a newbie and have not decided to join or not I was wondering if I can join by mail with a gift card????

  • Sc***** 54 years

    This is where undesirable women go to act like the head cheerleader at high school. Nasty looking women who think because they have a pussy they can ... act like the prom queen and treat you like shit. «»

  • Bern*** 64 years

    Didn't even get to the point to make a payment to join. The signup sheet quotes you 25 a month for a gold membership which anyone would assume gives ... full membership. It does not; it blocks members that are not gold members, so you have access to only other gold members. If you want to be able to communicate with free members, they charge you an additional 20 for the month; so you pay a wopping $45 a month rip off for complete access which they very deceitfully try to put past you upon sign up. Imagine having the privilege to pay for those that are too cheap to pay for own fees. In order to squeeze this information from their foreigner based, lousy speaking idiots that couldn't give directions to put your name on your homework in school; it took going through four rude foreigners on the phone that you can hardly understand and a chat feature that is not manned. Also, this is one of the many businesses that operates in the USA that violates US federal law which states that if I request to speak to a rep in the USA, they have got to connect you to one upon the request. This company not only refused to do so but demanded I keep calling back until I get someone I can understand. There is more than enough evidence to see that this is run by crooks that have no respect for the law or why give them any of your hard earned money? So don't say you were not warned!Conclusion:1.) The article says it all if you read because it points out the two worst things a dating site can be; most members are men, so only good for women.2.) The site is loaded with dead profiles, so you'll be lucky to make first contact with a small percentage of people; been there before and these are the sites you avoid with a plague.3.) A site that keeps all their old profiles and won't delete inactive members should nit be one you pay for. If I want ed that I go back on plenty of fish. Save your money and go elsewhere; this site should be closed down for all the fraud and deceit they attempt to put on you.......and this is before thye steal my money and don't deliver what I pay for; imagine what they do when they do get your money! «»

  • Miss*** 30 years

    This website is the worst. The only thing it has going for it is the large user base. But the layout, the tech, the quality of men... all sub par. Som... eone should make a site just as popular that actually works. «»

AdultFriendFinder is a dating site that caters to individuals interested in casual hookups and sexual encounters. It offers users a range of features such as chat rooms, live webcams, and the ability to browse user profiles and photos.

AdultFriendFinder is great for those looking for an open-minded and sexually adventurous community. Its large user base makes it easy to find like-minded individuals looking for the same thing.

However, if AdultFriendFinder doesn't seem like a good fit, another option is Plenty of Fish. Plenty of Fish, also known as POF, is a dating site designed for those looking for a more serious relationship. It offers users a range of features, such as detailed profile building, advanced search options, and the ability to send messages to other users.

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