Check out's special features here:
Models are ranked based on their performance and popularity. If you want to see who the top models are on, check this feature out.
Live Cams
Watch models do erotic stunts and free play through the live cam feature.
You can join events and celebrate special days virtually with's models.
Spy Shows
Spy Shows allow members to watch private shows, but they're not allowed to communicate with the models performing there. To access Spy Shows, you can open the Spy Mode tab on the main page and choose the room you want to watch.
Private Show
You can take your favorite performer to a more intimate experience when you choose a Private Show. Each performer sets the price and minimum time per show, and this information will be available to you before the start of any private session.
Group Show
This show allows up to 6 users to join a private room with the performer. All users in the Group Show can interact with the model and are charged per minute.
Free Shows
These are the most popular shows, and they're free to watch. Viewers are encouraged to tip and send virtual gifts to the models to show appreciation for their hard work.
Turn Me On
This feature allows viewers to send tips toward an active goal. Once a goal is reached, the model will perform for the entire room.
Follow your favorite models so you can easily find them whenever you log in to the site. Following a model is free.
Send Gifts
Send virtual gifts to express your desire and interest. This function requires tokens.
Connect Social Media Accounts
Models can connect their social media accounts, such as Instagram, to their profiles so other members can follow them.
Private Chat
You can send private chats during private shows for more intimate interaction.
Customize Chat Settings
You can change the color and set up your chat settings for a more interesting and exciting erotic chat.
Club Cherry
Club Cherry is a VIP club for users who want a more exclusive and participatory experience. Members of the club receive various benefits, such as private chatting with the models, animated and seasonal gifts, moderator status, colored messages in the steam room, and a special room entrance effect.
Be a Moderator
The performer appoints a moderator to ensure a quality show for the performer and viewers. Moderators are responsible for encouraging users to tip and interact during a show, watch all the chat-room messages closely, and kick or silence any user breaking the site rules or the ones set by the performer. To be appointed as a moderator, the user must be a Club Cherry member.
Animated and Seasonal Gifts
Club Cherry members get to send animated and seasonal gifts for a more enhanced dating experience.
Status & Level
There are three levels on – one for the models and two for the viewers. The levels will be represented through icons on the left side of the username. Models will have one icon, and viewers will have two.
Streamer Level: For all performers on Each streamer starts at level 1 and can level up by streaming, receiving tips, and hosting private and group shows.
Contributor Level: Platform-wide level for all viewers. The level will represent the viewer’s progression on the platform and is determined entirely by the viewer's contribution to models (through tipping, partaking in private and group shows, etc.).
Loyalty Level: This level represents the progression of a viewer in an individual model’s room (how much they have contributed to that model).